Thursday, May 05, 2011

Happy Mother`s Day

Guys, I`m going to start writing for and about my mother. Her name is he`s 45 years old and very very funny. I love her she`s never sad.

                                   Just good things to say about you
                                   On earth, there is no other
                                   An example of dedicated and brave woman
                                   Never sad, never in a bad mood
                                   Always will be in my heart

Minha mother, com todo respeito as demais, a minha e a The best. me inspera a ser cada vez melhor, mas nunca conseguirei chegar a teus pes. Obrigada pela companhia, me perdoe pelas palavras rispidas, ou as vezes, pela falta de te dizer EU TE AMO.  Parabens!
                             A todas as mothers que compoe a comunidade escolar Wilson Camargo. Muitissimos muito obrigada por nos confiar a presenca dos seus filhos. Saude, paz e felicidade a todas! E tambem aoss pais que se fazem mae por X motivos.
                                                                                                        Teacher Maria Helena


  1. Mother is all we need you at all times we always have their presence in our lives so much love! Congratulations mother.(Fernanda,Franciele,Gabriel e Joicy 9 A)

  2. My mother is all this
    Caress is her face
    her Reborn is a force for me
    Elegance alone you have
    Useful the mass moment
    Zealous withe me
    Admirable mother forever.
    I love you.

    Joicy Kelly

  3. You are the best mother, I love you

    Pamela 9A

  4. My perfect friend
    Company perfect
    pRa me to make happy
    Usel in all
    Zeal at one family united
    Always kind,my all
    I love you!!

    Franciele Barros

  5. Dedicated and elegant
    Affectionate in everything
    Laweful on labourer
    Admire you I love you!!!

    Ana claudia 9A

  6. This is for you my mother

    Scrufl me to leave alone
    Admirable history of live
    Never sad
    Day so fine that his
    Repese in yours arms
    Always will be in my heart (Alessandra) love mother


    you is Loving one mother perfect and one woman
    mUch beatiful,charilable
    speCial for I one mother that soperson
    to wIle to have
    oNe even
    mothEr you
    Is too much and much
    deAr (Julia)


    Scruff me to leave alone
    Admirable history of life
    Nest sound his arms
    Day so fine that his
    Repose in yours arms
    All in you i love. (kamila)


    Admirable history of life
    Never sand,
    Delicacy is gentle, my
    Economic of term
    Always will be un my heart. (Aliny)


    I love her! ( 9 Anoo "A" )

  7. Cleusa you are the best mother
    Ellegant, very experient
    Sad, never!
    Always will love you!

    posted by:Camila Rosa Belegante.

  8. my mother!

    mother just to look at you i realize

    that is impossible to live far from you mother

    you are unforgettable

    your embrace of affection

    your smile gives me security

    and your remarkable mother's heart gives me

